
Spotless System

Let’s face it: Housecleaning is hard work. It’s even harder to do it right. Enter The Glow System by Miami mom Gisela Lowenstein. Comprised of an instructional DVD and flashcards, The Glow System teaches easy-to-use techniques that make it easier to keep your home looking beautiful, clean and well-organized. For more information, call 877.323.GLOW or visit

Reclining Elegance
This time of year, we’re lucky to get more than an hour or two outside before the heat sends us screaming for the nearest AC. What better way to enjoy those precious sweat-free outdoor moments than by reclining on this elegant, Victorian-styled chaise from Woodard? Just wind up the gramophone and enjoy. Get one for $1,945.99 at

“Books are not made for furniture, but there’s nothing
else that so beautifully furnishes a house.”
— Henry Ward Beecher

Mix & Match
Nothing makes a home more welcoming than having a variety of styles on display throughout your house. Pair a contemporary sofa with a Victorian chair and a traditional coffeetable. Design rules were made to be flexible.




Flower Power
Need a little life in your living room? Add in a vibrant, flower-baring centerpiece. Don’t worry about the color or type of plant you choose, just make sure it’s resilient enough to thrive indoors or with minimal direct sunlight.




Bed Dread
Got itchy eyes, sneezing fits or mysterious skin irritations you just can’t shake? The problem may be lying in your bed. Dusty mattresses can carry tons of invisible allergens. To avoid them, vacuum your mattress regularly.