
Pro Fit

Power, speed, resistance and agility achieve a simultaneous workout nirvana on the Skillmill, an advanced exercise machine that utilizes Technogym’s extensive experience in the world of sports and their resulting Skillathletic Training.
Words by Sandy Lindsey | June 29, 2020 | Lifestyle

When Technogym says that the Skillmill was inspired by athletes, they weren’t kidding. As the official fitness equipment supplier to the Olympics for over 20 years, they know what they’re talking about. The Skillmill was designed to safely and effectively offer all the benefits of professional sports training without a personal trainer. This unique solution boasts a huge variety of workout routines to condition the entire body, allowing users to train like athletes for peak performance in their own home. Full connectivity through an intuitive data monitoring console allows users to track their workout parameters and achievements via the cloud-based MyWellness open platform for further motivation and to keep users in line with their goals. As if all that wasn’t enough, there’s also an accessory kit that adds a variety of pulling and pushing exercises through the handles, and a waist belt to further enhance results;