Beauty & Wellness

A Mindful Manual

As an International Yoga Teacher & Co-Owner of Miami Life Center, Kino MacGregor offers sound advice on how you can transform and bring yoga into your life within 30 days with her new book The Yogi Assignment.
Text by Sandy Fernandez | May 7, 2018 | Beauty & Wellness

For star Yoga Instructor & Social Media Influencer Kino MacGregor, what started off as a simple experiment turned into requests from people all over the world wanting to learn more about how to bring yoga into their lives in a real and relatable way. As the public clamor grew for more assignments, and more and more healthful anecdotes came in from people who had followed her and found healing and peace, Kino knew she had to create a way to help people understand that yoga was beyond the physical pose; it’s also about the relationship you have with yourself. It was with this massive mission in mind that she set out to write her newly released book: The Yogi Assignment. Within it, she outlines a 30-day journey utilizing the skills, tips and techniques she so lovingly integrates into her own life, covering everything from stillness to being your own hero, complete with perfect posture suggestions for neophyte and namaste veterans alike;