SocialBIRTHDAY BLAST!Nikolas Aixala celebrated his 8th B-day at the Grand Bay Club with all his classmates and very close frineds on a beautiful hot and sunny day. Guests had a blast enjoying all of the fun activities throughout the celebration! Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share1 of 22 Brigitte Nachtigall & Nikolas Aixala Veronica Peralta, Sofia Tonarely & Valeria Peralta Alexander Aixala Olivia Connor Nicolas Waterhouse Chiara Dasso Alejandro Rosales Nicole Carpenter Diego Navarro Lola Rodriguez Phillip Connor Cristina Barco Fernando De La Lama Paloma Aristizabal Mike Aixala & Brigite Nachtigall Andres Defortuna Michelle Boj Alexander Defortuna Theo Waterhouse Isabella La Plana Nicholas Brouceck Tatiana Botero Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share