Eager to showcase the wide spectrum of stylistic options available from their boutique residential tower, the developers of Fisher Island’s brand new Palazzo Del Sol have unveiled an artful array of uber-stylish turnkey units ideal for the high-end buyer managing multiple homes. Assigning an individual residence of differing size and floorplan to expert design visionaries Antrobus + Ramirez, Artefacto and Henge, these units display the aesthetic avenues available to an international or domestic buyer intent on residing in a truly grand waterfront residence without the hassle of micro-managing the minutiae of ornamentation and composition. From Henge’s sprawling naturalist masterpiece to Artefacto’s artfully accented flat, each of these units is immediately available and move-in ready, at least for now. As of press time, over 65% of Palazzo Del Sol’s units have been sold, so interested buyers need not hesitate; PalazzoDelSol.com.