In recent months, virtual has taken over everything: the way we shop, communicate, learn, and even the way to buy real estate. Video and virtual showings have taken center stage, negotiations have moved to Zoom and contracts are being inked with digital signatures. Sibila Law was quick to revamp their “closing table” thanks to changes in Florida Law that now facilitate fully digital closings. Before 2020, traditional in-person closings required witnesses to be in the same room and had to include “wet ink signatures.” While other lawyers were scrambling to adjust to digital life, Sibila Law leaned on their tech-forward, closing infrastructure process to keep deals moving down the pipeline. “Having already made investments in cyber security and data protection, offering a complete, end-to-end digital closing experience was the next step in improving our client service and standing out amongst the competition,” says Attorney Estrellita S. Sibila, JD, LLM, who has been helping buyers and sellers around the country. “Our clients have enjoyed the security of working with an attorney on their purchase, the ease of communication and completing the transaction, and that we are keeping them and our staff safe in the process.”;
Healing Hope
Companionship, laughter and a sense of purpose — pets bring so much into our lives. In a world that’s always on the go, they remind us to slow down and enjoy the simple moments. For a rescue in need, a loving home means the world.
Second Chances
Each dog featured in this editorial is a testament to the enduring hope found in humanity. From pasts marked by abandonment, neglect and abuse, they have risen to live beautiful lives with humans who understand and cherish them. We hope to inspire you to consider adoption, as even purebred dogs of all sizes deserve to live their best life. Let these stories remind us all of the transformative power of love, commitment and the unwavering bond between humans and their pets.