SocialEPIC AnticipationChâteau Ocean recently hosted a groundbreaking event with future owners, area visionaries and community leaders in attendance. Photos by Korey Davis | May 24, 2018 | Social Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share1 of 7 Luis Percul, Ariel Tomat, Don Francisco, Monica Venegas, Carina Radonich Michael Karukin, Michelle Kligman, Monica Venegas, Manuel Grosskopf, Sergio Grosskopf, Bernardo Fort-Brescia, Diana Rodriguez, Tom Murphy Mariana & Manuel Grosskopf Hector Vargas, Veronica Moran Daniela Carvalho, Dorith Ness, Richard Malconian Ana Maria Garcia, Andrea Minucci, Monica Venegas, Jeffrey Silverman Myriam Borax, Karina Grosskopf, Sebastian Sagranichne Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share