
Futurama Vision

Omar Corrales Mora’s paintings are an undertaking of thoughts, dreams, perception and fantasy. His vivacious works have graced important galleries and museums around the world — as well as the stage.
Words by Stacy Wynn | Artist portrait photo by Marta Cubillas | Artwork photos by Terry Arcia | April 28, 2021 | People

Born in Havana and a graduate from the Academia De Artes Plasticas specializing in painting, engraving and sculpture, Omar Corrales Mora later became a professor to share his unique style and vision of the world. He also served as a professor at the Instituto Superior De Arte (ISA) alongside renowned professor, Armando Suarez del Villar. Since 1989, the artist has worked on a wealth of stage sets for diverse entities such as the National Ballet of Cuba, The Cuban Institute of Art & Cinematographic Industries (ICAIC), and The National Circus of Cuba, among many more. He is a winner of the Salon De La Ciudad Award and runner-up in the Salon Juvenil. Omar Corrales Mora is just one of the amazing artists on display at Futurama in Little Havana, where Renaissance woman Pati Vargas passionately supports the arts, artists and closing the widening gap between the English and Hispanic markets in Miami and the world; Instagram@Futurama1637ArtGalleries.