The first official day of giving to raise funds exclusively for Jackson Health System was established when One Day for Jackson was announced this past February. Jackson, our community’s nonprofit academic medical system, offers unmatched, world-class care for everyone. During One Day for Jackson, the Foundation will ask the entire community to rally behind the future of healthcare in Miami-Dade County. One hundred percent of funds raised will go to supporting medical advancements, innovative technologies and cutting-edge facilities. Throughout its 105-year history, Jackson has achieved many medical firsts and milestones, while upholding its noble mission of providing a single, high standard of quality care for the residents of Miami-Dade County, regardless of their ability to pay. From major projects like José Milton Memorial Hospital at Jackson West Medical Center and the Christine E. Lynn Rehabilitation Center for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at UHealth/Jackson Memorial, to renovated patient units in all of their hospitals and adult and pediatric emergency rooms across Miami-Dade, Jackson is more accessible than to everyone who lives, works, and plays in South Florida. This would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the community. You can show your appreciation for our community’s health system by supporting One Day for Jackson; OneDayforJackson.org.