SocialHandshakes & PancakesThe Key Biscayne Lions Club held their annual “Pancake Breakfast” at The Key Biscayne Beach Club to benefit various charities. Photos by Maritza Minor | May 9, 2018 | Social Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share1 of 12 Helmut Heinrich, Roberto Gentilini, Ralph Caputo Brian Lynch, Dr. Jaime Vergara, Robert Vernon Edith De Grood, Richard Vernon, Michele Estevez Kieran McGuinness, Johny Catanio, Tim Hamen John Williams, Dale Brockway Juan & Rosemay Sala, Cliff Rifkin Nora Camejo, Judy Kolsen, Edith De Grood, Don Sackrider, Nancy Engel, Kathy Keith Nora Camejo, Rosemarie Heinrich Nancy & Ted Schwarz, Peggy Hawkins Allan Joseph, Todd Jonas Frank Caplan, Mike O’Brien, Robert Vernon Helmut Heinrich, Howard Sanders, Mikel Achaval Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share