
Healing Hope

Companionship, laughter and a sense of purpose — pets bring so much into our lives. In a world that’s always on the go, they remind us to slow down and enjoy the simple moments. For a rescue in need, a loving home means the world.
Words // Anja Maltav | Photography // Lea Grandvalet Studer | February 26, 2025 | People

New Life

Two years ago, Michelle Wasserman and her family stepped into a completely new world when Chiky came into their lives. “Our routines changed, the pages we followed shifted, new group chats emerged, and even the videos we watched on social media were different,” she says. “Having Chiky at home has been — and continues to be — an invaluable learning experience for us.” Between his daily walks, boundless surprises, lots of play time and cozy cuddles, the fun never ends. In fact, when they first brought him home, they quickly learned that not only is he a skilled escape artist, he also runs like lightning and is an avid swimmer! “Adopting and rescuing animals is one of the most life-changing decisions you can make — not just for the animal, but for yourself as well,” she says. “There’s so much love out there waiting to be shared!”

Eternal Bond

Abandoned at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park, the Key Biscayne pet committee came together to help pay for Tommie’s vaccines and initial medical expenses while he awaited a new home. Enter Frida Sellar, whose family had just lost their American Bulldog, Roli, a few months prior. Her neighbor had fostered Tommie temporarily, and after seeing photos of how much he resembled Roli, Frida just had to meet him. “The moment I saw him, I fell in love,” she says. “From the start, he’s always loved jumping and wagging his tail with joy — he is continually reminding us to always be happy!” Although it is her first time adopting a rescue, she understands the significance of her good deed. “Rescue dogs are so thankful to be saved that the relationship with their human heroes is extremely powerful,” she says. “It yields a very special type of bonding that lasts forever!”

Whiskered Wonder

Always dreaming of having a cat, a firm “no” from her mom was a permanent obstacle for Luciana Felpeto on her journey to pet ownership. “Finding a loophole, I successfully negotiated fostering cats,” she says. When Cosmic Charlie arrived seriously injured after being hit by a car and undergoing surgery, she was already an experienced foster. “His long recovery paralleled my own journey after surgery,” she says. “Rehabilitating him helped me heal myself and evolve from self-gratifying caregiver to advocate.” Cosmic Charlie inspired her to intern at a veterinary hospital and speak before Village Council to stop proposed budget cuts affecting cat neutering funding. She even made a short film, Island Angels: KB Cat TNR Program, screened at the Key Biscayne Film Festival. “Looking back on pictures of him as a wild injured street cat, it’s hard to believe how far he has come,” she says. “I’m so happy he found his forever home and I finally got my forever cat!”

Deep Connection

Toro’s rescue story is one of “fate, fluff and undeniable chemistry!” It all started when Sofia Schott came across a neighborhood chat for a cute dog looking for a forever home. “My heart skipped a beat,” she says. Turns out, Toro was a hot commodity! Over 10 families were already lined up for interviews. It wasn’t until a few days later that she and her husband first got to meet him. “The moment we walked in, it was game over,” she says. “It felt like we’d been waiting for each other our whole lives!” From adventuring at the park to hopping into his carrier for bike rides, Toro is the king of every outing and the heart of the Schott home. “Rescue pets often show extraordinary gratitude, forming deep bonds with those who save them,” she says. “Adoption sets a powerful example for others, creating a ripple effect of kindness.”