
Hello, Everyone!

This summer, I decided to skip my usual travel plans and instead stayed in town to rediscover The Magic City and its surrounding environs.
Text by Jorge Arauz, Editor in Chief. Photo by Mario Pascual | June 21, 2018 | Lifestyle

My adventure took me from The Keys to Palm Beach and everything in between. Besides the sights and sounds I encountered along the way, I also met some really cool people from all over the world, from every walk of life, varying professions, family lives and interests. I became fast friends with some of them. A few are working on projects you’ll soon see on these pages. Admittedly, a handful of the folks I met just weren’t that interesting. Good and bad, I learned a lot from each new handshake and conversation I had this summer. But why stop at just one season? I’m planning to continue meeting new people through the fall, into the winter and beyond. I’m excited to see who I’ll meet and what I’ll learn. After all, no one can ever have too many friends — and beats getting a fresh, new perspective on life from a complete stranger! JORGE ARAUZ, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF.

Think you or someone you know deserves to be featured on our pages? Let us know! We’re currently accepting nominations for our recurring “Hero” section & our annual
“Key Couples” cover story!

Attn: Mr. Jorge Arauz
[email protected]
CELL: 305.401.3232