SocialLOVELY LUNCHThe Key Women’s Club held their annual Easter Luncheon at Rusty Pelican, where all the ladies wore extravagant Easter-themed hats. Photos by Maritza Minor | June 30, 2018 | Social Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share1 of 7 Maggie Burke, Ronnie Scudieri Maren Martinez, Daisy Orent, Norma Blum, Margaret Kent Gean Guben, Fredda Levitt, Barbara Schwartz Christine Svendsen, Aminta Konawicz, hat contest winner Hazel Tomlinson Gloria Baldini, Staria Petersen, Joyce Potanovich Jennifer Shurina-Egan, Shirley Dunetz Claudette Endacott, Roberta Canavan Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share