Jackson’s history goes back more than 100 years. In 1918, Miami City Hospital, headed by Dr. James M. Jackson, opened its doors as a small, 13-bed facility. With time, hard work, and the dedication of thousands of world-class employees, Jackson Health System was born, and is now a comprehensive healthcare organization that is internationally recognized for its highly trained physicians and cutting-edge care. As the health system’s fundraising arm, Jackson Health Foundation and its Miracle Fund have played an integral role in that growth. Since 1987, they have raised more than $200 million to advance emerging research and renovate or build state-of-the-art facilities. The Foundation provides flexible funding for the greatest needs in the areas of patient care, treatment and education; all designed to improve healthcare delivery, enhance the hospital experience for patients, and promote wellness and preventive medicine. Its giving programs also provide educational services, such as classes, workshops, presentations and lectures — all with the goal of creating a healthier community; JacksonHealthFoundation.org.