“When venturing out into nature, whether alone or accompanied, no matter what the weather, forecast or terraine, always bring your own sunshine!” — Anthony J. D’Angelo
We have scores of indoor plants throughout our house and office; we’ve authored countless books and articles on tropical plants, gardening and landscapes; we’ve won nature photo competitions and had our pictures published in nature journals; we’re active members of almost every local nature society; we spend our weekends exploring botanical gardens and tending to our yard; we have a collection of rare and exotic orchids on display year-round; we give plants (and only plants!) as gifts; and our home is a Certified Wildlife Habitat and Monarch Butterfly Waystation. Monsoon season in Miami makes everything grow bigger and brighter. As we contemplate our next plant purchase or propagation project, I encourage you to get out there and explore nature for yourself — get some sand between your toes, plant a tree, add indoor plants to your living spaces, read a nature book, take a stroll surrounded by nature. It could change your life.
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