All future-facing eyes are on the Brazil Pavilion @ World Expo Dubai, a nature-evoking experience by Cactus that will transport visitors to lush landscapes, forests, canyons and beaches through breathtaking, larger-than-life visual projections. Stepping through a shallow reflective pool beneath the 24,800-sq.-ft. enclosure, visitors are immersed in a one-of-a-kind sensory experience. From the walls to the floor and ceiling, guests are surrounded by vibrant videos, enveloped in the wondrous sights and sounds of the Amazon rainforest. As the sun sets, the exterior of the exhibit transforms into a luminous cube of dazzling images, traversing through Brazil’s lush and diverse landscapes. “This project is a culmination of everything we love doing,” says Lucas Werthein, Head of Technology for Cactus. “We believe we need more of in this world — getting people out of their phones and into their lives, experiencing wonder in a way that is memorable, sensory and highly entertaining and engaging.”;
Healing Hope
Companionship, laughter and a sense of purpose — pets bring so much into our lives. In a world that’s always on the go, they remind us to slow down and enjoy the simple moments. For a rescue in need, a loving home means the world.
Second Chances
Each dog featured in this editorial is a testament to the enduring hope found in humanity. From pasts marked by abandonment, neglect and abuse, they have risen to live beautiful lives with humans who understand and cherish them. We hope to inspire you to consider adoption, as even purebred dogs of all sizes deserve to live their best life. Let these stories remind us all of the transformative power of love, commitment and the unwavering bond between humans and their pets.