
Pampered Pet

Next time you’re ready to pamper yourself in your home spa, don’t forget the fluffy canine who works so hard to keep you entertained and in good spirits and helps you reduce your stress level. The Pet Pamper Set from Love Your Mutt is just the thing for the high-style hound who feels itchy, cranky and just doesn’t know what to do with their flat fur at the end of a long day of socializing. The set contains Bow Wow Butter Balm for dry, tired paws and noses, Fur Butter to revitalize even the most damaged coat, Fur Breeze, a freshening aromatherapy spa mist formulated for a pups’ Ph levels and Comfy Dog Oatmeal Conditioning Shampoo for a complete revitalization of body, fur and soul. Other products include a Calming Aromatherapy Spritzer, featuring gentle notes of lavender and chamomile that also acts as a tangle-free leave-in conditioner. For more information, visit

Quick Gourmet
We all know the importance of eating right. Modern life, however, has a way of getting in the way and making it easy to grab whatever is at hand. That’s where Fit2Go Healthy Gourmet comes in. As a working parent, the founder was always conscious of making sure the kids ate right. That focus led to the creation of Fit2Go, which provides well-balanced gourmet lunches that taste great while at the same time being good for you. The first week is a promotional $35 with every week after that a mere $40, including tax and tip, making the plan a potential cost savings as well. Just like having a personal chef, ordering is simple. The customer simply lets the company know their favorite and least-favorite foods and Fit2Go takes care of keeping the menu interesting. For more information, visit

Lovely Lids
As we age, many people notice an increase in fat and skin in their lower lids. This puffy appearance can make a person look tired, with dark circles under the eyes. Surgery to correct this condition, called a blepharoplasty, has undergone some significant changes over the last decade. In the past, the fat pads and any excess skin were removed, resulting in a smoother look. However, use of this procedure frequently created hollowing of the lids. This hollowing could accentuate the dark circles, and often the person appeared even older due to the hollowing. Now we usually reposition the fat and move it down into the area of the dark circle. This is done with an incision made on the inside of the lower lid. Excess skin is sometimes still excised, or tightened, by resurfacing the skin with a laser. This results in a more rejuvenated look to the lid, with a smooth transition from the lid into the cheek with no hollowing.
›Dr. John Martin is a board-certified Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who has been in practice in Coral Gables for 17 years. He is a graduate of Williams College and Harvard Medical School. Currently, Dr. Martin performs facial and ophthalmic plastic surgery at his office in Coral Gables. In addition to surgical procedures, he has several lasers and performs many minimally invasive procedures with little or no downtime for the patient. To start your journey toward perfection, visit or call Dr. Martin at 305.444.5950.

“Touring is very grueling and taxing on the body.”
— Janet Jackson

Spare Car
Term used when a man’s gut surpasses acceptable levels of excess belly fat; a step up from “spare tire” bellies.




Size 14
The average dress size of American women, considered in the industry as a plus-size figure.




30 minutes
The recommended amount of thrice-a-week cardio time needed to maintain healthy fitness levels.