
Perfect Grind

Nothing throws a bucket of cold water on your sleep-befuddled morning brain like the obnoxious screech of that electronic coffee grinder.

With the Peugeot Nostalgie Coffee Grinder, you can crush those beans the soothing, old-fashioned way — with a simple hand-cranked mill. Now that’s something you’ll be happy to wake up to; $99,

Winning Combo
Everybody loves cocktails. And ice-cream is a pretty solid favorite as well. It’s about time somebody thought of putting those 2 wonderful things together. SnöBar Frozen Cocktails are alcohol-infused ice creams and treats, containing enough booze per serving to equal a full cocktail. Try The Alexander, infused with brandy, crème de cacao and cream, or the crème de menthe-spiked Grasshopper. Too rich for your tastebuds? Opt for a Margarita Ice Pop;

“My theory is that all of Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.”
— Mike Myers

Cheese Feast
We may be a cultural melting pot, but when it comes to our food addictions, you can just call us Italian. Americans eat an average of 350 slices of pizza every second — the equivalent of 90 acres of pie every single day.



Want to cut back on calories? Start munching on those cheese puffs with your less-skilled hand. Studies have shown that people eat less when they do not use their dominant hand to snack.




Sleepy Munching
Skipping precious sleeping hours does more than darken those circles under your eyes: It can also make you crave junk food. Studies have shown that our brains are more susceptible to treats when sleep-deprived.