SocialPropsperity partyThe Key Biscayne Yacht Club was transformed into a ‘50s-era Cabaret Tropicana on New Year’s Eve when over 300 guests greeted 2009 with hopes of world peace, hunger relief and tolerance among human beings. Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share1 of 15 Tropicana dancers Willy & Marilyn Borroto Blas Oyarzun & Manolo Vidal Charlie & Angela Nash Claire & Ed London Angelica & Pepe Lopez & Sonia Rosado Pepe Lopez, Clara & Juan Gutierrez & Vivian Alzola Monica Silva, Denys Alt & Sonia Rosado Ed London & Fausto Sanchez Lourdes Aceituno & Blas Oyarzun Monica Silva & David Gonzalez Nelly Palmer, Fausto Sanchez Robert & Denys Alt Rafael Portuondo & Jose Ortega Robert Alt & Willy Borroto Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share