Social“ST. AGNES FAMILY DAY”St. Agnes Academy hosted a family picnic on a Sunday for both parents and children to get together, play and enjoy. It was a gorgeous day full on laughter, fun and activities for all ages. Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share1 of 9 Nicolas Waterhouse, Ivan Godward, Father Jose L. Hernando, Sabrina Tamames, Sofia Duemichen and Jean P. Houlzet. Fernanda Bueno, Luly Magolnick, Natalie Batlle and Camille Vonsimson. Lauren Silva, Sophie Broucek, Caroline Silva and Alexa Tootle. Paola Gutierrez and Isabella Martinez. Fatima Perez-Hickman, Camila and Emilia Montemayor. Rodrigo Barco and Alexander Aixala. Alexandra Robelo, Connie Menendez, Camila Guyot and Victoria Dell’Oca. Beltran Godward Mora Guyot and Clara Gonzalez. Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share