
Super Powers

Healing our past wounds leads to future freedom, purpose and power. Events that have wounded us as children carry powerful messages, causing us to make vows or agreements that affect who we become as adults.
Words // W. Allen Morris | November 22, 2022 | People

1. While we are not aware of our unhealed wound and the self-limiting message we’ve told ourselves about our wound, it’s negatively impacting how we live our life today. 

2. Most of us learn in childhood to “cope” — which is to say ignore, numb, manage or reinterpret reality. We do it to survive, but our relational instincts get bent in the process. 

3. Our coping methods as children may not serve us well in adulthood. Recast those wounds as super powers, by becoming aware of past events that are directing unwanted behaviors in our lives.

4. Find a childhood photo of yourself and look at it often. As an adult, express the love, acceptance and affirmation to that child from your past that you may not have received then. 

5. All In: How To Risk Everything For Everything That Matters helps you explore this further. Available at Books & Books, or wherever books are sold. It is a perfect holiday gift for all!;