When it comes to Dr. Ritesh Kaushal, Interventional Neurologist & Comprehensive Stroke Program Medical Director at Palmetto General Hospital, time is not just money, it’s a valuable portion of someone’s life. Because for every minute a stroke victim waits on treatment, he loses over 2 million brain cells. That’s precisely why Palmetto General Hospital teamed up with the Hialeah Police & Fire Department to have emergency lights installed in Dr. Kaushal’s car. He’s currently the only doctor within the U.S. to have them. Now working an incredible 350 days a year, Dr. Kaushal says this program has helped countless patients make a fuller recovery. “The typical time from the onset of a stroke to the point where treatment is done — which includes intervention, and pulling a blood clot out the brain — is at most 360 minutes,” he says. “We are routinely doing this in less than 180 minutes which is less than half the time of the national average.”; PalmettoGeneral.com.