SocialTwo CakesGustavo Alonso & Paola Padovan celebrated their birthdays with a party at Puntino with about 200 guests in attendance. Photos by Maria Bueno | May 24, 2018 | Social Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share1 of 7 Marissa Wong, Paola Padovan-Hall, Nelly Palmer, Donnie Hall Theo & Alexa Holloway, Maritza & Steve Minor Gustavo & Luciana Alonso Jackie & Joe Kellogg, Bill Stephens, Roberta Lusic Nancy Davis, Matt Bramson, Claire Wool, Zita Delevic Maria Bueno, Michele Estevez, Carol Craiglow, Mari Mayoral Patrick Duffy, Ana & Wayne Ramoski, Kristina & Muzzy Jackson Stumble Share Tweet +1 Share