The deck seemed stacked against young Amelia Guzman. Born in Nicaragua, she and her family immigrated to the U.S. in 1988. Alienated from her peers and caught in an unstable home situation, Guzman gradually began falling away from the typical success track of a teenage girl. Eventually placed in foster care, there seemed to be only one saving grace in this otherwise troubled teenager’s life: A relationship with the Voices For Children Foundation and her Guardian Ad Litem Mirtha Fuentes. “Whenever I had a question, whenever I was scared, she was there for me,” she says. “Sometimes when we didn’t have money for food, she would bring it to us without asking.” Now a working mother of 3, Guzman gives back to the foundation that helped her so much, acting as a Guardian to children trapped in situations similar to her own. Just one of many success stories this powerful philanthropic effort totes, consider aiding or even participating in saving a child’s life with this singularly essential charity;